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Sunday, September 23, 2007

The World at their Fingertips

Watch any news program and inevitably, you will notice that anytime the producers show a location in the world, they will use a satellite image to zoom from space onto the specific location.

Usually, we as viewers just chalk that up to special effects, but the reality is this technology is available to us at home.

Companies like Google and Microsoft have made satellite imagery available to the home user and many have taken the challenge of finding their home or office or favorite vacation spots. But many have found the technology useful in advancing causes of the environment, world peace, and recreation.

The ability to use the internet to promote global awareness is nothing new. But the way in which it can now be done is fundamentally changing how organizations are able to spread their messages.

Ed Wilson, President and CEO of Earthwatch, recently commented, "Google Earth represents a whole new way for us to connect with the world... Not only can we inform people about key environmental issues facing the world today, but we can give them the opportunity to get directly involved".

Environmental organizations can use these maps to demonstrate the effects of deforestation or urban sprawl. Wildlife organizations can view migration patterns of various wildlife. Even human rights advocates demonstrate the atrocities in Darfur.

The window to the world is just opening. Already, the ability to add U.S. Census data is creating ways to better analyze our communities and view them in new ways. The opportunity to add video and photography to locations and share with the world are creating new ways to learn about vacation sites, historical locations and are expanding our understanding of the world.

For Rotarians, we can share the successes of community projects, show friends where you have traveled through Rotary International sponsored projects or create greater awareness for the world around us or even learn where Rotary clubs are located around the world.
To download Google Earth visit, http://earth.google.com/. Install and launch the software. You will need a broadband internet connection.

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