Welcome to the Rotopeka

This is the online place for the Rotopeka.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

FW: New member bio

Travis Maurath
Travis graduated from Washburn Rural H.S, attended Kansas State University and obtained his degree in 1997.
He worked for Cohen Esrey Real Estate until 2004.  He then founded Rental Management Solutions in 2004 managing residential property for 124 clients and over 1000 units in Topeka and Manhattan with 34 employees.
Travis is married to Mindy, a pharmacist at Stormont Vail Heath Center.  They have no children.
Travis spends his summers at Lake Perry; spring and fall golfing; and winter waiting for the summer.
Welcome Travis!

FW: Rotary Meeting Info - 9.18

LOCATION:      Madison Ballroom (lower level left)
GREETERS:  Joyce Martin, Stan Martindell, Susan Mauch, Travis Maurath, Marvin Maydew, Bill McBride
CUP MONEY –September:  Avondale East Elementary School
RECEPTION TABLE:  Staci Williams
MENU:  Ramada Salad, Warm Rolls & Butter, Chicken Nova Scotia, Rice Pilaf, Fresh Vegetables, Chef's Dessert Display
NEW MEMBER TABLE:  Stan Teeter, John Wall, Todd Payne
            New Member Introduction:  Travis Maurath, Property Manager/Co-owner, Rental Management Solutions                                                                                                           

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Recruit a Young Member

How do we recruit young members into Rotary? Rotary International is asking that question this month on their website.

Young Rotarians are the future of our club. It is important to not only recruit young members, but once they have joined, it is imperative to keep them involved.

So what are your thoughts on recruiting and motivating young members into our club? Take a few moments and think about a young person that you might recruit to our club. But don’t stop there. Think about how, once they are members, that we can use their passion and talents to make our club stronger.

Share your thoughts below.

Friday, September 12, 2008

New Member - Spike Santee

Edward Wesley Santee is more commonly known as Spike Santee. In fact, if you call Spike’s house and ask for Ed, Edward, Wes or Wesley, he’ll know you don’t really know him because everyone, including his mother and his father, Wes Santee, have called him Spike since the day he was born. Wes was at a track meet and someone made a joke that his new born son was missing. The last reported sighting of “the little Spike” had him west of Lawrence with a diaper in one hand and a stop watch in another. So it’s been Spike ever since.

Spike is a native of Lawrence Kansas. He has been in Radio broadcasting for thirty five years and is a Senior Vice President with Cumulus Media, Inc. in Atlanta and currently serves as the Market Manager for the six Radio stations at the Cumulus Broadcast Center at 9th and Kansas in downtown Topeka. Prior to the Topeka assignment, Spike was a Regional Manager with Cumulus supervising approximately 100 radio stations and nearly 800 employees in twenty markets around the country. With the Topeka assignment, Spike gets to come home for dinner every night for a change.

Spike has been married to Trena for twenty six years. Trena is a Speech Pathologist. They have two sons, Weston who attends the UMKC Dental School in Kansas City and Hollis who is studying Business at the University of Kansas in Lawrence. They are the fourth generation of Spike’s family to attend KU.

Spike and Trena live in the country between Topeka and Lawrence. They enjoy gardening, walking and their two Dobermans who are always on the lookout for strangers. Spike likes to build bird houses and do fixer-up jobs around the house. Welcome Spike!

New Member - Jose Davis

COL Davis was born in Panama City, Panama. He earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science from Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, and a Master of Science in Management from Baker University, Burlingame, KS and a Master's in Strategic Studies from the United States Army War College.

COL Davis works full time for the Joint Forces Headquarters, Kansas National Guard located in Topeka, KS. He currently serves as the J5 Director of Plans, Policy and Interoperability, responsible for strategic plans, strategic management implementation and oversees the international affairs State Partnership Program for Kansas and Armenia. Simultaneously, he serves as the J7 Director of Joint Training and Education, Lessons Learned and Exercises.

His military education includes Field Artillery Officer Basic and Advanced Courses, at Ft Sill, OK, Defense Information School, Combined Arms Services and Staff School, the Command and General Staff College, Ft Leavenworth, KS, and the resident course of the U.S. Army War College at Carlisle, PA.

Colonel Davis is married to the former Jacquelyn Ann Messarosh of Scranton, PA. Davis has one daughter, Tori. He is the son of Carl and Cathy Davis of Junction City, KS. Welcome Jose!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Meeting Announcement - September 11th

Hope you will join us Thursday for the weekly meeting of the Topeka Rotary Club. 
We will meet in the Grand Ballroom.  Our speaker is  Dr. Jerry Farley, President of Washburn University and he will be discussing the Topeka Visioning Project.

Other announcements:

Greeters - David Long, Cindy Luxem, Jane Mackey, Larry
Magill, Mark Marling, Christel Marquardt

Invocation - Kim Gronniger

Guest Introductions -
Angela Root

Reception Table - Jane Mackey

Menu - Ramada Salad, Warm Rolls & Butter, Rotisserie Chicken, Roasted New Baby Red Potatoes, Vegetable Medley, Chef's Dessert Display

New Member Table - Phil Coolidge, David Beck, Pat Michaelis

September Cup Money - Avondale East Elementary School

New Member Introduction - Spike Santee, Senior Vice President, Cumulus Media, Inc.

Don Hogue passed away on Sunday, his funeral is Thursday, September 11, at 1:00 P.M.,  at the Penwell-Gabel Funeral Home, 1321 SW 10th Ave.

Remember, if you cannot make the meeting, you can watch it live on the
Topeka Rotary Club website at www.downtowntopekarotary.org.

Make sure you sign in at each meeting to help us track attendance.

The August Rotopeka is online, read it here.    Also, follow our club using one of the hottest web applications, Twitter.  Click here to learn more.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Topeka Rotary Club is now on Twitter

Heard of Twitter yet? Consider it one of the hottest social networking applications on the web today. Twitter utilizes the concept of microblogging, limiting the amount of information to only 140 charactors or less. Visit us here.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Eldon Sloan recognized for his generous contributions

Eldon Sloan, member of the Topeka Rotary Club, was honored last week for his generous financial contributions to the Topeka Rotary Club.  The presentation can be found at about the 5:00 mark of this video.  Larry Dimmit, Past District Governor, gave the presentation at the August 28th meeting of the Topeka Rotary Club.

My thoughts on Rotary Live

I am proud to be a Rotarian. Knowing that I am involved in an organization that does so much to help people around the world inspires me to do what I can for that organization. I am thirty-six years old, I have a wife and two young kids, and a fairly demanding job that doesn't allow me to travel the far reaches of the earth to do Rotary's work. I don't have the financial ability to make the generous gifts that I hope to someday make and I don't have any special medical skills that would enable me to deliver health care in underdeveloped countries.

I recently gave a presentation in which I quoted Albert Einstein who once stated "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." Like Einstein (who did possess a special talent, regardless of what he says) I am passionately curious. Curious about how technology and sharing of ideas and resources can change the world. I believe that by reaching out to not only our own members through technology, whether it is the Rotopeka, the Rotary eNews (the weekly meeting updates), or Rotary Live, the new live stream of our club, we are not just enabling more people access to our club, we are spreading the mission of Rotary.

Here is my vision. Grandiose maybe, but here it is. I think that Rotarians all over the world will find that watching our club meet will satisfy their makeup requirements. I think we can and should offer the opportunity for those people to make a small monetary contribution to our club to support our efforts. Those funds can then be used to provide us greater ability to serve our own community and the world in which we live.

If over the next year, a hundred Rotarians around the world donate $10 for a makeup, that $1000 is more than I personally would contribute financially to our club. By helping provide the avenue to our club, our community and our world, I am doing far more to enhance Rotary through technology than I ever could do without it.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Meeting Preview - September 4, 2008

Hope you will join us Thursday for the weekly meeting of the Topeka Rotary Club.  We will meet in the Grand Ballroom. Our speaker is Major Bradley Laauwe of Ft. Leavenworth. His presentation is titled "Training the Army to Fight Today and Tomorrow"

Other announcements:

Greeters - Jim Leiker, Onis Lemon, Jan Leuenberger, Gail Litfin, Mike Locke and George Logan

Invocation - Robert Tomlison

Guest Introductions - Nick Nickum

Reception Table - Jennifer Haller

Menu - To be determined

New Member Table - Bill Latimer, Al Dvorak, Al Williams

August Cup Money - To be announced

New Member Introduction - J. Kubik, Judge, Kansas Court of Tax Appeals

Last Chance to update your information for the Club Directory

The club is in the process of printing the 2008-09 Directory.  Information sheets will be on the back tables.  Please look at your information, make necessary correction, if there are, and then initial the sheet so we will know you have looked at your information.  These will be at the noon meetings for the next four weeks.

Cups for new members admitted in 2007-2008 are on the back tables with your names on them.  Please pick yours up.

Remember, if you cannot make the meeting, you can watch it live on the Topeka Rotary Club website at www.downtowntopekarotary.org.

The August Rotopeka is online, read it here.