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Thursday, September 4, 2008

My thoughts on Rotary Live

I am proud to be a Rotarian. Knowing that I am involved in an organization that does so much to help people around the world inspires me to do what I can for that organization. I am thirty-six years old, I have a wife and two young kids, and a fairly demanding job that doesn't allow me to travel the far reaches of the earth to do Rotary's work. I don't have the financial ability to make the generous gifts that I hope to someday make and I don't have any special medical skills that would enable me to deliver health care in underdeveloped countries.

I recently gave a presentation in which I quoted Albert Einstein who once stated "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." Like Einstein (who did possess a special talent, regardless of what he says) I am passionately curious. Curious about how technology and sharing of ideas and resources can change the world. I believe that by reaching out to not only our own members through technology, whether it is the Rotopeka, the Rotary eNews (the weekly meeting updates), or Rotary Live, the new live stream of our club, we are not just enabling more people access to our club, we are spreading the mission of Rotary.

Here is my vision. Grandiose maybe, but here it is. I think that Rotarians all over the world will find that watching our club meet will satisfy their makeup requirements. I think we can and should offer the opportunity for those people to make a small monetary contribution to our club to support our efforts. Those funds can then be used to provide us greater ability to serve our own community and the world in which we live.

If over the next year, a hundred Rotarians around the world donate $10 for a makeup, that $1000 is more than I personally would contribute financially to our club. By helping provide the avenue to our club, our community and our world, I am doing far more to enhance Rotary through technology than I ever could do without it.

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