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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

From the Editor

Okay, I have to admit, when I started this issue on a Friday night just before my deadline, I was looking for an easy way out. It sounds bad, I know. I mean, how much easier can it be to devote an issue to the activities of RI. Just visit the website, re-print a few articles and photos and I can have this issue knocked out in about an hour. But a strange thing happened along the way.

You have to understand something from the outset. Rotary inspires me. I look at all of the wonderful things that Rotary does around the world and I see an organization that I am proud to belong to. As I look at the articles and pho-tos on the RI Website, I see something far more than just words on a screen. I see real changes and real people that we as Rotarians are helping across our planet.

So as easy as it would have been to pick any five articles online, I carefully chose the stories and probably spent more time selecting those stories than I usually do writing. I got lost in many of the stories I read, amazed at the work of fellow Rotarians. It is truly an example of Rotary Shares and I hope you take the time each month to read through The Rotarian and you visit the RI website from time to time. While it is important to attend our club’s meetings, you are shortchanging your Rotary experience.

April is Magazine Month, a time to celebrate the global network of Rotary’s official magazines, which provide valuable information to 1.2 million Rotarians.

And speaking of Rotary publications, last January I submitted a letter to the editor about how the Rotopeka is using RSS feeds and the Rotopeka Blog to share our club’s stories on the internet. That letter finally ran in the May issue which arrived in your mail about a week ago.

I hope you enjoy this month’s look at Rotary International.

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